Methodology Research Paper

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Faculty of Science
Department of Computer Science


Research Methodology Project
Major: Computer Science

Prepared By Patrick Louis
Under the supervision of Dr. Laurence Ajaka



This research paper is a simplified introduction to operating systems and the effects on security. This is a common subject that has been discussed many times between professional and beginners but that is easily confusing. I tried to make the subject clear and understandable to anyone with common knowledge of computer.


Table of Contents

Introduction ........................................................................................................................1
Windows .............................................................................................................................1
Windows and the world wide users ..........................................................................1
First place on the stock market ..............................................................1
Windows and the popular graphical interface ....................................1
Windows and the share of source codes .................................................................1
Windows and security .................................................................................................1
Windows and the XP incident ...............................................................1
Windows and file privilege .....................................................................1
Windows and the malwares, crash and bugs myth ............................1
Notes on Windows ..................................................................................1
*nix ......................................................................................................................................1
Kernel, modular thinking and file management ...................................................1
Unix philosophy ........................................................................................................2
Mac OS X ....................................................................................................2
The Mac OS X kernel and Darwin ..................................................2
The focus on UI and peripheral devices / program source ........2
The effects on security and cross-platform ..................................2
GNU/Linux/FreeBSD and Berkeley distributions ...................................2
The victory of the user over the machine .....................................2
The effect of freedom on programs and security issues ............2
The freedom of running whatever you want ................................2
The Main differences between BSD and Linux ............................2
Conclusion ..........................................................................................................................2


Different Operating Systems exist using graphical user interface (GUI) or command line user interface (CLI). An operating system is a software designed to control the hardware of a specific data-processing system in order to allow users and application programs to make use of it, or more simply, this is what makes the system works together. Adding the word Desktop would mean that it is client based (not a server) and that it is for home or work usage. What are the main features of those operating systems and what effects does it have on security?

I. Windows

    1. Windows and the world-wide users

       a. First place on the market stock

Windows, which started in 1981, is now close of completely monopolizing the share market of desktop computer operating systems. It is currently being used by ~80% (see the chart below) of all Desktop computers. Moreover, for computer agnostic it can appear as if Windows is the only operating system that exists. On the other hand, throughout the years, it has developed into an operating system that has become feature-filled and simply huge, especially with Windows Vista and Windows 7

1- Windows 7 (43.84%), 2 - Windows XP (27.59%), 3 - Apple OS X (8.78%), 4- Windows Vista (7.36%), 5- Apple iOS (6.69%), 6- Android (2.15%), 7- Linux (1.80%), 8- BlackBerry (0.66%), 9-SymbianOS (0.20%), 10- Windows 8 (0.10%)

        b. The popular graphical user interface

Windows is known for its popular, familiar, friendly graphical user interface, large hardware support, and large amount of softwares availability. Everything on Windows is easy to access by a few clicks, and, if some problems occur you are troubleshooted by Windows OS or can find support. However, it doesn't support everything; his filesystem recognition is restricted to those created by Windows itself (NTFS and FAT). The NTFS and FAT32 file systems using the Registry, which is very complex; the system configuration is stored in a proprietary format which needs special tools to open, needs constant defragmentation and maintenance. Finally, note that Windows is gamer friendly because most games are coded for Windows machines.

    2. Windows and the share of Source Codes

Windows is closed-source, not distributable and most of the time pre-installed by the manufacturer. This means that users are not allowed to see nor modify the source code of any programs and to give a copy of the Windows installation cd to anyone.

    3. Windows and Security

Windows is well known for the worst greatest computer headaches in existence.

        a. Windows and the XP incident

In 2004 the Windows XP source code was leaked on the "Darknet". This leaded to the creation of thousands of exploits of "XP". Windows XP became one of the most vulnerable OS in the world.

        b. Windows and file privilege

On Windows, the NTFS file and system permission is not always as secure as it seems. First, it is hard to secure the files due to the difficulty of choosing the system preferences. Furthermore, the rights of the user are generally sets automatically which is a great security issue. Note that Windows also has, by default, some open ports.

        c. Windows and the malwares, crash and bugs myth

Windows is the OS that is the most affected by security issues. Windows users need to pay for an efficient anti-virus that will take lot of CPU resources, money and network connection (for upgrades and updates) and bugs takes time to be fixed. Windows uses, by default, maximum of CPU resources.

    4. Notes on Windows

The Windows NT kernel, which is not mentioned here, is more or less stable (sometimes the BSOD occurs for no apparent reason). We can say that users are a little brainwashed by the "Windows way" of using a Desktop operating system, they are passive concerning what is going on with their system. When Windows update, it sends a list of all the programs you installed on your drive to the server of the company.

I. *nix

|-- What is *nix like OS

While Windows is built on Windows NT, Unix-like operating system is built on system that behaves in a manner similar to a UNIX system. UNIX was first introduced in 1969 by Bell as a "timesharing" system, a system used for multitasking that can easily adapt to changes.

    1. Kernel, modular thinking and file management

On windows everything is plain while on UNIX like systems there are 3 sections:
The kernel is the base that keeps task, resources and security together. The shell (TTY) is the program that interprets user commands and starts programs. Finally, the binaries of programs. Moreover, the file management has security incorporated, especially to important file (root access). The system use EXT that is faster than Windows, reliable (does not fragment easily) and has a folder tree arranged in an understandable way.
    2. Unix philosophy

"Write programs that do one thing and do it well."- With this in mind programs are simple but are really efficient in what they specialize in.
        a. Mac OS X
            1. The Mac OS X kernel and Darwin

Darwin is a free and open source operating system released by Apple in 2000. Darwin is in fact the base structure and testing OS of Mac OS X. It uses the XNU kernel which runs only on mac (hardware dependent).
            2. The focus on UI and peripheral devices / program source

Mac OS X focuses on the philosophy of always giving the best user interface to its users. Because of this Apple does not intend to give the user access to any of the configuration files of the system nor source codes of any programs. Apple Store exists for this reasons, limit the interaction and difficulties in installing a program. Moreover, Mac OS X uses specially made devices only(stable hardware).
            3. The effects on security and cross-platform

By limiting the user, Apple makes sure that nothing is leaked so no program will be exploited. Additionally, Mac OS X is not multiplatform which is security and dictatorship at its utmost level. Furthermore, because "Apple Store" is the only place where you can install from, it is the one that is aimed by hackers.
        b. GNU/Linux/FreeBSD and Berkeley distributions
            1. The victory of the user over the machine

Unlike Windows and Mac OS X, GNU/Linux/ and *BSD distributions are free open source OSs that require the user to interact with his machine and configure it to his needs. (CLI and TTY)
            2. The effect of freedom on programs and security issues

Open source means that any user can read how any program is made and change it if he wants. The base of those systems is community. If any bugs or exploits is found in a program you can rectify it or if you don't know how to program, submit a bug report to the community. This makes all programs safe. You can download the source (smaller) and compile it yourself (the Github). Finally, many flavor and distribution exists.
            3. The freedom of running whatever you want (“Do you own the program or a copy of the program?")

GNU/Linux/ and *BSD distributions can run all sorts of programs even Windows one. The repositories, where you download program from, have everything you need, although, there are not a lot of open source games. On the other hand, some distributions are hard to install for beginners because there are CLI based and not GUI based.
            4. The Main differences between BSD and Linux

There are 2 main differences between BSD and GNU.

  • The way the core system is made and the package are created :

On a BSD machine you have the main distribution containing vital packages in 1 binary file. On the other hand, GNU has no main core binary file but many simple programs that make the system run.
Secondly, on BSD you download and install from the source. On the contrary, on a GNU OS you can choose between downloading the binaries or the sources codes.

  • The license :

The BSD license allows users to do whatever they want with the source of programs. On the other hand, GPL allow user to run, read, redistribute, and modify the source code of any program as long as it stays within the community. (Copy-left free software license GPL)

|-- Conclusion
We have seen some operating systems like Windows, OSX, GNU/Linux and the BSD family. Each one of them has its own philosophy, advantages and disadvantages. Now that you have been introduced to each one of them you can choose the operating system that suits you.



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Why Linux is Better. (2003, March). Taken from
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Unix vs. Microsoft Windows: How system designs reflect security philosophy. (2010). Taken from
BSD operating system. (2011, May 3). Taken from
Berkeley Software Distribution. (2012, July 11). Taken from
BSD vs Linux. (2012). Taken from
Darwin (operating system). (2012, July 13). Taken from
Free Software Fondation. (2012). Taken from
Git (software). (2012, June 12). Taken from
GNU operating system. (2012, May 4). Taken from
Graphical user interface. (2012, July 3). Taken from
Linus Torvalds. (2012, July 11). Taken from
Linux From Scratch! (2012). Taken from
Microsoft Windows. (2012, July 8). Taken from
Operating system. (2012, July 11). Taken from
OS X. (2012, July 10). Taken from wikipedia.oprg:
Richard Stallman. (2012, July 7). Taken from
The Linux Fondation. (2012). Taken from
The Philosophy of UI Design: Fundamental Principles. (2012, November 6). Taken from
Unix philosophy. (2012, June 28). Taken from
Unix-like. (2012, June 12). Taken from
We oppose DRM. (2012). Taken from
Stallman, R. (2007, june 13). Richard M. Stallman Speech - University of San Francisco. Taken from


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